Re-skilling, up-skilling and cross-skilling IT professionals
New technology and innovations are being developed at an unprecedented pace. This means that IT roles are constantly changing, while existing digital skills quickly become obsolete. On top of that, we are currently facing a massive shortage of available IT professionals. How do you optimally prepare your organization for the digital transformation while facing such challenges. Our advise: Invest in the digital talent of your current workforce by choosing our SKILLIT programme.
SKILLIT is aimed at strengthening the quality and capacity of the IT professionals within your organization. We don’t just train and develop the existing skills of your current digital talents, but also prepare employees in other professions for an IT role. This way we ensure a future fit and sustainable workforce and a ‘digital first’ organization.
SKILLIT offers three different learning journeys:

Reskilling: Employees who do not have a background in IT learn new digital skills in order to prepare them for a future IT role. For example, a financial advisor who is being trained to become a data engineer.

Upskilling: IT professionals learn new digital skills to stay ahead in their own profession or to expand their current role. For example, an IT architect who is trained in SAFe Agile or Scrum. Or a software engineer who is familiarizing himself with a new programming language such as Python or Java.

Retraining (Cross-skilling): IT professionals learn completely new digital skills to prepare for a new future IT role. For example, a business analyst who is retrained to become a DevOps engineer.
This is how we guarantee a great learning experience and an optimal learning effect:
- Tailor-made learning journeys: In co-creation with our clients and supported by continual evaluation, we design a custom learning path that exactly fits the context of your organization and the development needs of your employees.
- Quick start: Thanks to our extensive portfolio of IT courses, we can start every project in no time.
- Flexibility: Due to our iterative and agile way of working, each learning journey is continuously tweaked and optimized to the learning preferences of the participants.
- Cost efficient: You avoid the uncertainty and high costs of external recruitment, while being guaranteed of fit-for-future employees with extensive knowledge of your organization and industry.
Digital and soft skills
In each learning journey, participants are being trained in both soft skills (customer focus, inquisitiveness, flexibility, collaboration and more) and technical skills such as data analysis, cloud computing and web development. To cement these new skills, real life cases from your organization and the daily practice of your employees are incorporated into the training sessions. After completing each learning path, your employees will have the required skills for roles such as software developer, cloud engineer, data engineer, business analyst and DevOps engineer.
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