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Utrecht University – So Much You Can Learn

Welcome to Capgemini Academy, training partner for Utrecht University. You can easily book all training courses from the Capgemini Academy portfolio. Select the desired training from our website, or search for it at our training partner, Fastlane.

Discover our courses

Our trainers are didactically trained. You are able to pick from a portfolio of more than 300 courses. Right after signing up, you can choose the form that suits you best: online or in a classroom setting with us in Utrecht or within the walls of your own organization. 

How do you book the Capgemini Academy course?

For training related to Python, Linux, Microsoft 365, network and system administration, click on this link. You will then arrive at the portal of our partner Fast Lane.

Do you have questions about SMYCL?

Contact the following for:

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About Capgemini Academy

Capgemini Academy is the learning and development authority within the Capgemini Group, the market leader in IT with more than 300.000 employees worldwide. Over 45 years Capgemini Academy has analyzed and designed the digital, personal, and leadership skills required for successful digital transformations. Our online and onsite courses and custom-designed learning journeys are provided by learning and development professionals. We do not only excel in didactics, more importantly are IT professionals themselves allowing them to seamlessly connect theory and reality. This is how we fully unleash the potential of your talent.